- ATLANTICNETSKY project: setting-up of the project approved under 1st Call of the European Territorial Cooperation Programme “Atlantic Area”. Achieved Grant: 1.060.000€.
- Entrepreneurial project. Achieved Grant: 20.000€ from Diputación of Seville.
- In process several grant applications to Andalusian FEADER and FEDER programmes and different projects submitted under Calls of ENI CBC MED, IPA CBC Croatia Serbia, Atlantic Area and POCTEP programmes.
- In Evaluation phase some project proposals under next Calls of SUDOE & ENI CBC MED programmes and PRIMA Foundation (R&D in Med area) and supporting different companies in SMEi
- Phase 1 (feasibility study) approved of 4th call 2017 of SMEi for an Andalusian company. Achieved grant: 50.000€
- Urban Action Project, processing and viability of Rural Tourism Complex for 200 accommodation units. La Rambla. Córdoba.
- Management and Technical Assistance in “Diversia” House of Crafts, funded by European Social Fund and INEM, with actions made in the towns of Mairena del Aljarafe, Castilleja de la Cuesta, Tomares y Camas (Sevilla).
- Projects design, implementation and evaluation (profesional training, business training courses, etc) in Tetuan (Morocco).
- Economic and financial viability study for comprehensive rehabilitation of historic downtown building complex and its suitability for 42 tourist apartments complex. Sevilla.
- Technical Assistance to Workshops framed in the Campaign to Promote Business Initiatives promoted by the Association of Municipalities of the Lower Guadalquivir dedicated to promotion of activities and services online, creating Social Economy development Enterprise and Business Ideas Success.
- Technical attendance and fund management in projects under the European Social Fund, ERDF and cooperation initiatives in INTERREG: SUDOE, Atlantic and MEDOCC.
- Participation in I Andalusian Inland Tourism Symposium organized by the Delegation of Tourism, Hon. City Council of Lucena, Córdoba.
- Technical assistance, economic viability and comprehensive rehabilitation Project in historic building (former Los Terceros Convent) for hotel use. Écija, Sevilla.
- Participation in the Internation Conference “Traditional Gastronomy: Heritage and Tourist-cultural Indentity”, organised by Agência de Desenvolvimento Regional do Vale do Ave, S.A., in Vilanova de Famalicão, Portugal.
- Technical Assitance in management cooperation projects co-financed with European Funds (Spain-Morocco Program) in the agricultural research and training field.
- Economic and technical viability study for rehabilitation and management of rural hotel. Cortes de la Frontera, Cádiz.
- Technical assistance in Vocation Training Courses: Cooperative Development Local Agent. Delegation of Labor and Industry.
- Consulting and Technical Projects for urban development of SUS-CJ1 Sector, road and clearance design. Moriles, Córdoba.
- Technical Assistance and consulting in “Huerta de Hércules” Employment Workshop Management, funded by European Social Fund and National Employment Institute, developed in Tomares and Umbrete, Sevilla.
- Technical assistance and economic viability, Project development and works management in Tourist Apartments Complex. Isla Canela, Ayamonte, Huelva.
- Consulting and Technical Assistance in Guidance and Tutoring Services of New Initiatives for Employment and Human Resources of the Department of Economic Development and Entrepreneurship of Community of Lower Guadalquivir. Lebrija, Sevilla.
- Organization of Congresses, Seminars, Conferences and Meetings.
- Fairs and exhibitions organization.
- Technical design and financial control Project co-funded with ERDF funds in INTERREG III Program and in the cross-border, transnational and inter regional cooperation intervention chapters (Spain-Morocco, Spain-Portugal, Atlantic Space, MEDOCC).