Cultural heritage is now considered as a new factor contributing to development. In the current economic and social reality, it becomes apparent the need to seek benefits that allow each country compete in an increasingly global economy, which certainly requires a better use of own resources.
The assets within a socio-economic context, it begins to be treated as a resource, capable of enhancing the territories and productive synergy in them. The acquired assets now an added value, that of economic profitability providing new and recent interventions on it, both from the public and from private entities that promote recovery and revitalization discourse of cultural elements and reuse as new spaces for recreation and leisure demand increasingly large and specialized tourism.
Cultural heritage has acquired a new dimension, considering inductive development within the actions and initiatives of the European Union, finding it a major boost by the Council of Europe, which has among its objectives the dissemination of European cultural heritage and raise awareness citizens of values common to all of them, in order to promote mutual understanding and to create a sense of belonging and common European identity, especially to non-EU European countries, with initiatives that encourage networking with affinities cultural.