Edintra Edintra Edintra
Ponencia Edintra

Talk in the Conference “Prepare your SMEi”

Extremadura Avante, through its Department of Innovation, organized this session within the Agreement “Plan of R+D+i Financing” signed with the...

Claves de éxito

Talk in the Conference “Success Keys to finance your innovation. Funding opportunities”

Edintra attended as speaker and mentor the past Conference about “success keys to finance your innovation. Funding opportunities” organized by...

Interreg Croatia-Serbia

Submission of DANECOTOUR project for Interreg Croatia-Serbia Programme

Interreg IPA-CBC Croatia-Serbia is a Cross Border Cooperation Programme. IPA stands for Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance which means that it’s...

Logo Genaq

SMEi in Cordoba

SME Instrument is a subprogram of the 8th EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (called H2020) whose scope is...

Junta de Andalucía

Several grants application for the Rural Development Programme in Andalusia

Edintra has provided several of its services to some companies that has applied for grants supporting SMEs innovation within the...

Interreg España - Portugal POCTEP

Estrellas en Ruta project applied for POCTEP Programme

Interreg Spain – Portugal is a Cross Border Cooperation Programme financed with ERDF funds. The second Call was announced several...

Submission of CIRCUFOOD project for the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme

Interreg Atlantic Area is the Transnational Cooperation Programme for 36 atlantic regions in five countries created by the European Union....

Junta de Andalucía

Grant applications for EMPRENTUR and PYMETUR

EMPRENTUR and PYMETUR are two grants schemes for tourism promotion offered by the Andalusian Government or, to be more precise,...

Logo Inspiralia

Participation in 2nd Edition of Inspiralia BP Summit

Edintra is the Inspiralia’s Business Partner which fundamentally operates in southern Spain (Andalucía and Extremadura, mainly). It will attend the...

Submission of TOURFERMED project for ENI CBC MED Programme

On the occasion of the first Call for standard projects of the ENI CBC MED Programme the TOURFERMED candidancy was...

SMART2W project: ahead to the H2020 second phase

The SMART2W project oges ahead to the second phase of the Call CIRC-02-2016-2017 within the framework of the H2020 Programme....


EDINTRA is a Spanish company specializing in the Socio-Economic Development and Planning, in the fields of Cultural and Natural Heritage,...